Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's a new day

Yesterday Steven and I had a talk about the realities of the up and coming months and about how we need to be preparing for marriage. I have been blessed and fortunate my whole life to have parents who have pretty much done everything for me. While it has been a blessing the downside is that I haven’t really had to mature as much as others. I am also still young and I am still discovering who I am. Steven on the other hand is 26 and has had time to mature and discover who he is. So, last night was a wake up call for me. I have a lot of maturing and work to do in the next 6 months. Steven also brought up the point that often times I can be quite demanding and tend to complain about stupid little things, while he often holds his tongue over issues that he stresses about that are actually important. I have to agree that I have failed at this and I should be more sensitive to his needs and feelings. As my title indicates, today is a new day and today is the day that I want to start doing these things and become a better fiance now so when the day comes I can be the wife that Steven deserves.

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