Thursday, February 3, 2011

All Grown Up!

As many of you probably know every job that i've ever had has been working with children. There is one day care that I worked at twice because I loved the kid as so much, The Montessori School of Augusta. Among all the children I took care of there was one in particular that I really bonded with, Aidan Rowe. That boy was my baby, my lil man, my monkey. The first time I worked at MSA Aidan had just turned one, and I worked with him and the other one year olds for three months before I left to go away to an out of town college. The out of town college didn't pan out, when I came back I ended up back at MSA for a while. Sure enough I came back and Aidan was in my room again for a bit. He had grown so big! One day I got taking to his mom, Kate and began babysitting for them. I became almost like the nanny for Aidan and his 4 year old sister Cheyenne. I remember the first time I worked at MSA I used to question Aidan's home life because sometimes he would come in the morning with a wet diaper, one time his diaper actually burst all over the floor because it hadn't been changed in so long. One week Kate and Cheyenne went to Disney World leaving Aidan at home with his dad, Michael. Every day that week he came in right when they opened and wouldn't leave until the daycare closed. One day he came in without shoes. He spent the whole entire day without shoes. But once I began babysitting for Kate I slowly started to understand why things were the way they were. You see Michael was in the military and he really didn't take parenting serious. I mean he was deployed so sometimes it was understandable, but when he was deployed he wasn't concerned with calling every chance he could, and even when he was home he was disinterested and very unattached.Kate was spread so thin I honestly don't know how she did it at all. She worked almost more than full time hours with Michael deployeshd in Iraq, she had no family or friends to help her. She told me that she used to be in the military and that she had been in a helicopter accident that left her with these migraines that would last days. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have a husband that never helps out and no family or friends in town to help you out. I got a text from a friend of mine yesterday who still works at MSA it was a picture with the caption saying Look whose back at MSA! A picture of my lil man Aidan in a yellow rain coat. He's gotten so big! I think about him all the time and I wish I still had the joy of taking care of him. I will always remember him as my little monkey.

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